We will be adding to this section explanatory comments on passages from the wird and the qasidas.
The abbreviations RE and OE refer to pages in the Revised Edition (Quilliam Press. 2022)
and the older edition (Qasida Press, 2015).
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor....(RE 57, OE 51)
It is related in a ḥadīth narrated by Ibn Abī Ḥātim, al-Ṭabarānī, and others that the Messenger of Allah (S) said, “Let anyone who would be happy to see his practice rewarded with the fullest measure on the Day of Resurrection say, at the end of a gathering when he stands to leave, Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds [37:180-182].”
And it is related in the Musnad of Abū Yaʿlā that Abū Hārūn said, “We asked Abū Saʿīd: ‘Have you remembered from the Messenger of Allah (S) anything that he would say after the salutation (that ends the Prayer)?’ He answered, ‘Yes. He used to say, Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him, and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and praise be to Allāh, Lord of the Worlds.’”
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